Κυριακή 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

The Hidden Teachings of Jesus

You Make Several Erroneous Statements and then Claim I am misquoting Jesus when IT IS YOU who is Thoroughly Confused. First of All The Bible is written by Many Different Authors. Some Know What They are Talking About and Some Don't. The Fake Apostle Paul Wrote Hebrews Not Jesus. Many Things Paul Wrote Completely Contradict Jesus' Teachings. This is Because Paul Is a Complete Fraud! Paul WAS NOT a Disciple of Jesus, Paul NEVER MET JESUS and SO PAUL NEVER STUDIED OR LIVED WITH JESUS like Jesus' True Disciples. Both Peter and Thomas, The True Leaders of Jesus' Male Disciples, Told Paul To Stop Teaching the Nonsense he was Teaching in Jesus' Name. Before Paul Supposedly Had a Vision of Jesus and Then Subsequently Contorted Jesus' Teachings, He was Trying to Kill All of Jesus' Disciples and Stop The Spread of The TRUE TEACHINGS OF JESUS. When the Powers that control the World Realized this was Impossible, They Shifted Their Efforts to Control it With Paul's Nonsense. There are Several Passages Where Jesus Teaches Reincarnation. This is From The Gospel of Thomas: (51) His disciples said to him, "When will the repose of the dead come about, and when will the new world come?" He said to them, "What you look forward to has already come, but you do not recognize it." Jesus is Saying The Dead are Already Being Reincarnated. In this Passage also in The Gospel of Thomas Jesus is Saying You must Seek GOD while Alive, You Cannot Experience GOD after Death: (59) Jesus said, "Take heed of the living one while you are alive, lest you die and seek to see him and be unable to do so." This is the Exact Opposite of What Paul Taught that If You Believe Jesus Died for Your Sins, That you get to go to Heaven after you die. Jesus Taught Faith Without Deeds is Dead - James 2 17 Getting Back To Reincarnation, I Referenced Jesus Telling his Disciples That I am The Prophet The Elders Spoke About (Elisha) and John The Baptist is Elijah Reincarnated right in this video and listed these passages from The Bible. Jesus Tells his Disciples This Word for Word. Jesus Pays Homage to His Guru John The Baptist in Many Passages. John The Baptist Played a somewhat subordinate Role to Jesus in This Incarnation but He Also Took on Disciples and Taught Just Like Jesus. There is NO DOUBT that the Seven Candlesticks are What Yogis Refer to as THE SEVEN CHAKRAS. There is Also NO DOUBT that Jesus Taught Yoga. Jesus Said TAKE MY YOG Upon YOU RIGHT IN THE BIBLE. The A is Silent - It is Only in the last Hundred Years the A started to be Pronounced. THE WORD YOGA MEANS UNION WITH GOD. The Bible Was Translated into Greek and that Language is "K" happy and So YOG Turned Into YOKE. It is a Translational Error. The Meaning of Chakra is Wheel of Energy. These Are The Wheels Referenced in Ezekiel. The Chakras Represent Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether (Space), Time (Mind - Third Eye) and GOD (Gate To Heaven). The 12 Tribes of Israel are the 12 Cranial Nerves. The 144,000 Servants of Israel are the Nerves that take Prana (electricity) to every Pore. All of these Nerves were Purified by the Light of God when Jesus opened the 6th Chakra (Third Eye) Obtaining Christ Consciousness. Israel is a Metaphor for Consciousness. That is why Jacob upon Climbing his Ladder, got his Name Changed to Israel after wrestling with Pineal. He Became Pure Consciousness. That is Why Moses Kept Telling the Pharaoh (a Metaphor for his Mind) to Let Israel (Consciousness) Go. The 4 Beasts in The Book of Revelations are (1) The Sound (the Word that GOD eminates that Separates the Body of GOD Into (2)Time and (3)Space), and (4) Matter. The Two Beasts that Die are Time and Space as Time and Space No Longer Apply to Jesus as He Becomes Pure Consciousness (GOD) This is How GOD Creates the Physical World. Everything is GOD including the Physical World which is GOD Vibrating and Separating. That is Why when you Still (Balance) this Vibration, You Return to GOD. The 4th Beast has the Mark of 666 Because the physical body we inhabit is Carbon Based with 6 Electrons, 6 Neutrons, and 6 Protons. In order to interact with the Physical World you must use a Carbon Based Life Form with the 7 Chakras. The Lower Chakras are the 4 Horseman (Earth), (Water), (Fire), and (Air). These are a Derivative of Space the 5th Chakra - Matter is just Energy vibrating at a grosser and grosser level as you go down the Chakras. As you Balance the Two Poles of Energy in Your Body, Fusion takes place at the Lower Chakras because the Energy to make them Spin Needs a Certain Amount of Polarity to make them Function. This Fusion creates an explosion as Energy is released when you open a Chakra. The Book of Revelations Explains this as Jesus opens the 7 Seals of the Chakras This is Why Jesus Kept Repeating You must Take Up Your Cross. You must Practice Nadi Shodhana Which I Explain in This Video to Balance This Energy. You have a Complete Misconception About Jesus and The Son of Man. Jesus Was Not The SON OF MAN! Jesus Stated Before Abraham I AM. Jesus is Stating I am Timeless Consciousness. I am NOT JESUS Anymore. I am NOT PART OF THE PHYSICAL WORLD, You are From Below, I am From Above. JESUS was a Physical Body made up of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. JESUS had a Collection of Memories Stored in the Nervous System of Which His Physical Body Experienced. Once Jesus Opened up The 7 Candlesticks, He Reverted back to GOD and Became Pure Consciousness. If you meditate on what you are experiencing right now, you will discover that you too are Pure Consciousness. When light hits the eyes of the physical body you are inhabiting this mechanism literally creates and is presented to you (Consciousness) as what the eyes are perceiving. The Same can be said about Hearing, Tasting, Smelling and Touch just a little different Mechanism. Sinning is Identifying with what is being presented to Consciousness from the Physical World. Your Personality is created as the perceptions from the senses Flow through the Catalog of Experiences (your Karma) your body has stored in its Nervous System. You Need to Repent (stop allowing sensations from the physical world from interacting with the body you are inhabiting Five senses. Stop sinning which is seeking SENsations. You are GOD playing an Elaborate Game of Hide and Seek with Yourself. This is What Jesus Experienced and was Trying to Teach Everyone. Once you Become Like Jesus Became (Pure Consciousness), You Serve. GOD's Only Begotten Son is Consciousness.
GOD so Loved The World He gave it Consciousness!

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